The legal entity is the Association Syndicale des Propriétaires des Terres Basses; the formal English translation is the Landowners Association Terres Basses, Inc. The Association claims to own or at least have extraordinary legal rights to the lowland beaches because of the fact that Erik Lawaetz, with the assistance of the then Mayor, in 1959, obtained a deed from some governmental authority in Paris to the domain land (i.e., the beaches) of the lowlands. (Erik Lawaetz is a huge name in the history of the island's tourism - he died in 2010 at the age of 96.) The Association always claimed that no one had the right to operate any commercial operation of any kind on the lowland beaches, unless authorized by the Association - Raymond and Gus were never so authorized. Over the years since they set up their operations, the Association has made efforts to get them off Baie Rouge, but never was able to get it done until post-Irma. The Association is legally obligated and committed to leave open at least one access path to the three lowland beaches and to permit people to enjoy the beaches. But, the Association always has taken the position, and it seems that the Collectivitie now definitely agrees as a legal matter, that no one can have a commercial operation on the beaches. I suppose the Association could make a deal and permit a commercial operation, but I do not think that ever will happen.