After Smith's failure to get a boat operating by this AM as advertised Mal made a heroic effort and got me to West End for Native Son's Oriole at 8:30. After the usual c&I tango at Cruz Bay everyone was discharged at Red Hook. A 50 minute $20 cab ride got me to the Petite Pump Room where Michael had plenty of cold Red Stripes prepared for the 6 hour wait for my flight. Hadn't finished the first one when, lo and behold, Oriole pulls up to the dock. Why they made everyone get off at Red Hook is beyond me. RTFF arrived at 11:30 and departed at noon. Native Son Express tied to the CA quay just twiddling its dock lines.

For more info see my thread "I'm still here (kinda-sorta)"

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. - Mark Twain