Mdsmurph said:
Wow, the worst part is your loss of your friendships! I think BVI charters may not be for your group. The bright side is that your A/c worked the whole trip. Next time you may want to try a cruise... Cheaper, with all the amenities. Fair winds to you guys.

Yep! Today when the AC or potty does not work on a cruise ship CNN runs with the story 24/7. Where is Clint Eastwood when you need him.

Let me summarize. A "new" Lagoon 52 with AC, Watermaker, Five (5) Electric Flush Thrones, a crew of two, an extra private container with 30lbs of meat and at least 5lbs pounds of bacon... fouled by +/- engine room temperature water in June?

According to the writer two experience captains working in tandem on two different boats reached agreement on at least some of the issues before the boats even left the dock. The shore manager dispatch a boat to the situation and reached the same conclusion later in the charter. Maybe Burger King and "Have it Your Way".