Originally Posted by MrEZgoin

We received our day 4 test results about 25 hours after taking the test.

We were out sailing when the email came in, and after taking down the yellow flag, turned SW on a nice broad reach and picked up a mooring at the Indians.
Had a very nice snorkel there... good (but not great) visibility and one other boat. There is more sargassum in the channel than I have seen on any previous trip. We have sailed through rafts that took two knots off our speed. We haven't really visited any beaches yet, so not sure how much of a problem it is on shore.

So now we are free to visit shore restaurants. The bad news is that many places have significantly reduced their opening hours since February. Pirate's Bight is only open Thursday-Sunday. Cooper Island is similar. So today it will be the Willy T and we were planning to go to Cooper tomorrow to go diving on Thursday morning, but we won't be able to eat there :-(

There are more boats currently in Benures Bay than in the Bight.

Congrats! Willy T has fresh wahoo today that will be great!

Coconut Breeze Villas
Cane Garden Bay