Originally Posted by warren460
Your sample is biased and I assume based only on users of BB.

It’s not representative of anything. Given the statistically insignificant number of balls and users, you cant extrapolate anything.

The people on this forum likely have far more knowledge and insight than an occasional visitor to the bvi.

Extrapolating your sample is the same as saying there is so much demand for boatyball because it’s getting used.

That’s actually a function of the limited number of balls and nothing more.

The BVI does not need to be tailored to the infrequent users to the detriment of the rest of us.


...round and round we go. Lack of supply...so everyone uses the new system which is hugely flawed...and the makers claim victory.

About the 6th time we've done this loop on the forum.

Bring back BEYC, Saba mooring fields...and cut loose the BBs to float Anywhere but here...and everything can go back to the pre-irma state that worked so well.