We enjoyed a nice day at Norman Island today, paddleboarding the caves and the Bight, snorkeling the Indians and Treasure Point again (visibiity was excellent) and having another fresh Wahoo at Willy T where we chatted with a group from OK that own another L40 that we've been seeing off and on.

Received our exit test results from yesterday morning about mid-day, and applied for (and received) our USVI travel authorization. We will have to return to the base tomorrow afternoon since our Ferry is scheduled for an early 8:00 departure and we have been advised to be there early.

Had a bit of trouble with the dinghy motor; I assumed it was prop ventilation and adjusted the tilt stop to put the prop a bit deeper in the water. I also checked the prop nut and nothing seemed loose, but I wonder if there could be some something else going on.

M4000 "Lio Kai"