I think Capt. D has just experienced the reality of "Boaty Ball" and the frustration that can ensue. In the past if we were having a good time and decided to stay another night somewhere then we just stayed put and paid the mooring fee again. Didn't have to stay up and try to reserve it and frankly didn't have to give it another thought. What if someone reserves for the next day right out from under you and now you have to leave???? It sounds good on the surface with a guaranteed mooring but what about the days of "deciding on a whim"? If you wanted to guarantee you a spot somewhere then you had to get your tail up and get over there.

So for Capt. D there was a boat on his mooring and nobody onboard. But what if they were on it? What if they simply say "I'm not moving" or "My crew isn't onboard with me" or whatever? Do you just hover around in the mooring field trying to find out what to do? Do the crews square off and just show a battle of wills? Is there someone monitoring and preventing boats from taking the moorings incorrectly? So much room for error....